Tuesday, 20 September 2016

What i have learnt during my preliminary task

After creating my preliminary task, I have learnt many things to do with magazines. I have learnt about target audiences and how to address them. Since my preliminary task was to create a school magazine for Heworth Grange School my target audience was members of Heworth school, mostly students so my target age was 11-18. However, I have now learnt that my magazine would have had a secondary target audience of teachers/adults of the public. Now that I have learnt this, in future tasks i will be able to keep my secondary target audience in mind and also include content that is suitable for them. I have also learnt how to make images smaller/larger without stretching the image, this was negative feedback on my preliminary task as the images were stretched and the quality became distorted. I have also learnt about color schemes and house styles from my preliminary task, for my preliminary task i used a house style of colors that were associated with the school.

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