Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Talking to my members of my target audience - Video

Speaking to members of my target audience.

I decided to talk to members of my target audience, Holly and Katie. The two girls are both 13 and fit in my target audience age range. I asked them some questions about what they liked about Pop magazine and what their favorite part about the magazine was and how often they read. Like the stereo-typical teenage girl, both Holly and Katie love to read about boys and makeup. From talking to members of my target audience, I now know what to include more of and what my target audience enjoys.

Friday, 6 January 2017

My finished contents page.

This is my finished contents page, to create my contents i was inspired by Top of the Pops magazine. Especially the contents page, i loved the scattered and cluttered look with the contents boxes and i thought it looked very funky. I decided i wanted a few images on my contents page to make it look full and bursting with excitement. I wanted to focus more on the images than the text, i wanted the images to real the reader in and want them to read the magazine. The colors are again very vibrant as i swapped my house style around (still using the same colors as the cover) but i used a blue background to change things around. I am very pleased with the finished contents page and i think it fits the 'POP' theme perfectly.